
02 April 2014

March In Review & The Hollywood Marathon!!!!

So March has definitely been a busy and productive month for me!!! I am so glad its over! I successfully completed my statistics class and I hope to never have to do another math class again. It was so mentally draining. Then I had midterms which went pretty well. I actually have another test tomorrow morning, but who is stressing?

And then Sunday I found out that I am running in a 13.1 mile marathon this saturday. I say found out because I thought I signed up for a 3 mile and I was sadly mistaken…all I could do is laugh and I will do it anyways and hope my legs don't fall off and just pray that I am not the last one to come in because that would be kinda embarrassing LOL. I have actually been running these last few weeks…just haven't been running 13 miles!!! Anyways, I think I will be fine. I did the Army 10 miler a few years back and I wasn't running at ALL/doing pt/drinking water and I made it in a little under 3 hours so I think I can crank this one out and hopefully be around that time. I say hopefully because of course yesterday I pulled a muscle and today left knee is starting to hurt, but I think its because the weather is about to get bad…but still, funny how that works.

So I also noticed that I haven't been taking any photos with me in them. I guess its because I am really feeling like I don't look good right now. I am know I am not bad looking, but I need to get out of my rut! I am going to blame it on the weather. Which is horrible right now..and all the earthquakes we have been getting recently.

So I am just going to end this with some photos from this past month 

So happy this math class is done!!! I hope to never have to do this again!

Yes I have 4 of the same polish colors!!!! Its my FAVORITE color: Valentine by Revlon

Studying for my quiz :)

March Onyx Box

Los Angeles County saving the world, one paper bag at a time! :) 

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