
14 April 2014

Hollywood Half Marathon Photos &Week In Review

So this is my spring break and I have done a whole bunch of nothing. Just like I like it. Well, almost nothing…still had a paper to right, but its no big deal. I have drill this weekend and of course I am now getting invites to go out and do stuff, but I can't--go figure!!!

I am happy because about this time next month, the semester will be OVER!!!! Then I really get a break. I want to do some traveling and some adventure trips so we will see.

And since the marathon I have really been doing a lot better with running and eating healthier. I think I just had to get all the Tommy's Chili and doughnuts out of my system LOL. Plus I signed up for a 60 day fitness challenge and I really really really want to do well--who knows? Maybe I will WIN that $15,000 cash and prizes. I really want that so its a pretty good motivator! Not only that, but I am going to the Bahamas at the end of June so I want to look good for that!

I finally got some more photos from the marathon!!!! After finishing that one, I kinda sorta want to do another one, but to be honest I was kind of bored running it (even though I had music), but I think it was just because I was slow running it so it seem like it was forever. Maybe if I can properly train for it I can run it faster and not get bored? At any rate, I think I want to do a Tough Mudder or the Spartan Race, at least there are obstacle courses so that should keep me entertained! :)

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