
28 March 2014

This Weekend...

So last year I said I wanted to change up my blog layout and this weekend I am finally getting around to it!!! So please bare with we :) I am still looking for the perfect design and while I have a couple on my list that I like, I haven't yet pick it out yet.

In addition to that I will be studying for a biology test that I have this Tuesday! I won't complain because the week after that it will be spring break and I am excited about that. I have a a paper due right after so the plan is to finish it before the break starts that way I can just veg out and sit in my underwear all day and do nothing. We will see how that goes! I am pretty good at procrastinating, but I really want to be able to relax for a week so I am hoping that will keep me motivated to get it done.

So that is it for now, its short and sweet today!!! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! Biology! Sounds like you have a better outlook than I would about that! lol.
