
30 April 2014

The Next Two Weeks And Other Business

So if I am MIA for the next two weeks its because I am coming to the end of the spring semester. I can't believe I start taking my finals next week!!!! Crazy, this semester really flew by. Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know. I am pretty excited because I will have a break until August! I plan on going to the beach and traveling this summer. The Bahamas and hopefully Alaska. I am crossing my fingers on the Alaska one though, I really want to go, but it is not set in stone yet.

I had also ordered some supplies for the leashes I want to make and I am still waiting on them to get here! I am going to be making custom leashes. I want to dye them as well and I have been fooling around with some dye that I bought a few weeks ago trying to figure out how to dye them without messing it up. This project is my baby, I have been sitting on it for the last 2 years and I finally doing something about it. This is the very first one I made I am really happy with how it turned out. Once the rest of my supplies come it I will be able to make a lot more.

Until the next post!!!

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