
06 April 2014

April Goals

So here are my goals for the month of April--I know I am a few days late, but better late than never right? Also, some of you noticed that I finally changed my layout…and it was definitely much needed :)
Theses are random and not in any particular order:

1. Finish my final paper and two speeches ahead of time. Especially since I already know/have the guidelines of what I need to do.

2. Drink more water.

3. Refrain from shopping on Amazon for at least 2 weeks. Hey, I have to take baby steps! LOL

4. Walk/run with Ruby at least 10 miles/week.

5. Not go grocery shopping unless I really really really need something.

6. Read more books that I have previously downloaded on my kindle.

7. Look for a new apartment.

8. Study for my upcoming writing proficiency exam!

9.  Figure out my school schedule for the fall! I have to enroll in those classes early next month.

10. Attend more fitness classes at school.

11. Look into some clubs at school and join them. I need to add in some other activities that will help pad my application when it comes time to apply for grad school or any other higher programs for learning.

Thats all I can think of for now!!! At any rate, this is a start and will keep me busy.

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