
30 April 2014

The Next Two Weeks And Other Business

So if I am MIA for the next two weeks its because I am coming to the end of the spring semester. I can't believe I start taking my finals next week!!!! Crazy, this semester really flew by. Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know. I am pretty excited because I will have a break until August! I plan on going to the beach and traveling this summer. The Bahamas and hopefully Alaska. I am crossing my fingers on the Alaska one though, I really want to go, but it is not set in stone yet.

I had also ordered some supplies for the leashes I want to make and I am still waiting on them to get here! I am going to be making custom leashes. I want to dye them as well and I have been fooling around with some dye that I bought a few weeks ago trying to figure out how to dye them without messing it up. This project is my baby, I have been sitting on it for the last 2 years and I finally doing something about it. This is the very first one I made I am really happy with how it turned out. Once the rest of my supplies come it I will be able to make a lot more.

Until the next post!!!

26 April 2014

Finger Comber Unit: Angle Balanced

So if I ever rock something that is not my hair my go to is twists, but I was feeling a little inspired a few weeks ago to try something new so I invested in a the Finger Comber Angle Balanced Unit….you like???? I know a lot of people have complained about the shipping and how long it takes, but it took about 7 days to get to me from the time I submitted it. So I guess I got them at a good time! I am still trying to figure out how much hair to leave out so it looks more natural, but so far I like it…hope it gets bigger!!!!

I was told by a fellow iger to leave as little out as possible I just have to figure out how to do that and it works more or less. I think I just have to stretch my hair out as much as possible and then blend it with the wig because my texture is a lot tighter than this.

And yes I took quite a few selfies, I was really feeling myself, ok? LOL :)

And I almost forgot--I used the Stila palette: In the Night for the eyes and the Cargo blush from my April OnyxBox…more on that later!!! If you want a tutorial, let a girl know!

23 April 2014

Having Doubt

Having doubt will stop you from doing a lot of things including things that you really want to do. These past few weeks I have been having a lot of doubt which is stopping me from progressing. I want to start my own business and I was so excited about it, but then last week I starting doubting myself. I almost put my dream on the back burner. I was/am afraid that I will fail. That my idea won't be worth while, that it won't be successful. This morning I woke up and I asked myself why? Why shouldn't I be successful? I like my idea and its not the end all be all. I can always try different things, but I need to try. So this morning, I took the step and bought more supplies so I can continue to build my dream. I want to be self sufficient. I don't want to rely on a 9 to 5.
So heres to having no more self doubt.
The worst enemy of creativity is self doubt.
My space is entirely too small to have doubts, there is only room for positive thoughts and progression.

14 April 2014

Hollywood Half Marathon Photos &Week In Review

So this is my spring break and I have done a whole bunch of nothing. Just like I like it. Well, almost nothing…still had a paper to right, but its no big deal. I have drill this weekend and of course I am now getting invites to go out and do stuff, but I can't--go figure!!!

I am happy because about this time next month, the semester will be OVER!!!! Then I really get a break. I want to do some traveling and some adventure trips so we will see.

And since the marathon I have really been doing a lot better with running and eating healthier. I think I just had to get all the Tommy's Chili and doughnuts out of my system LOL. Plus I signed up for a 60 day fitness challenge and I really really really want to do well--who knows? Maybe I will WIN that $15,000 cash and prizes. I really want that so its a pretty good motivator! Not only that, but I am going to the Bahamas at the end of June so I want to look good for that!

I finally got some more photos from the marathon!!!! After finishing that one, I kinda sorta want to do another one, but to be honest I was kind of bored running it (even though I had music), but I think it was just because I was slow running it so it seem like it was forever. Maybe if I can properly train for it I can run it faster and not get bored? At any rate, I think I want to do a Tough Mudder or the Spartan Race, at least there are obstacle courses so that should keep me entertained! :)

07 April 2014

Hollywood Half Marathon Completed!!!!

So this past saturday I participated in the Hollywood Half Marathon. And it took me almost 2 days for me to recover. Surprisingly I am not very sore. My knees and ankles hurt, but I think it was just because all 13.1 of running was on pavement and at times it was pretty uneven. Doing this marathon is actually motivating me to do some other marathon, namely the Spartan Race and the Tough Mudder.

Anyways Check out some photos from the marathon and this past week :)

After I crossed the finish line. I was too HAPPY

Before the race

Everyone was lined up and ready to hit the pavement

I was so happy to see this sign :)

All the people trying to recover from the marathon
I really don't care for bananas, but that is all I wanted. LOL I ate 3

The finish line!!!
I decided to walk it off and walked back to Hollywood and Highland to take the train back to the valley


06 April 2014

April Goals

So here are my goals for the month of April--I know I am a few days late, but better late than never right? Also, some of you noticed that I finally changed my layout…and it was definitely much needed :)
Theses are random and not in any particular order:

1. Finish my final paper and two speeches ahead of time. Especially since I already know/have the guidelines of what I need to do.

2. Drink more water.

3. Refrain from shopping on Amazon for at least 2 weeks. Hey, I have to take baby steps! LOL

4. Walk/run with Ruby at least 10 miles/week.

5. Not go grocery shopping unless I really really really need something.

6. Read more books that I have previously downloaded on my kindle.

7. Look for a new apartment.

8. Study for my upcoming writing proficiency exam!

9.  Figure out my school schedule for the fall! I have to enroll in those classes early next month.

10. Attend more fitness classes at school.

11. Look into some clubs at school and join them. I need to add in some other activities that will help pad my application when it comes time to apply for grad school or any other higher programs for learning.

Thats all I can think of for now!!! At any rate, this is a start and will keep me busy.

02 April 2014

March In Review & The Hollywood Marathon!!!!

So March has definitely been a busy and productive month for me!!! I am so glad its over! I successfully completed my statistics class and I hope to never have to do another math class again. It was so mentally draining. Then I had midterms which went pretty well. I actually have another test tomorrow morning, but who is stressing?

And then Sunday I found out that I am running in a 13.1 mile marathon this saturday. I say found out because I thought I signed up for a 3 mile and I was sadly mistaken…all I could do is laugh and I will do it anyways and hope my legs don't fall off and just pray that I am not the last one to come in because that would be kinda embarrassing LOL. I have actually been running these last few weeks…just haven't been running 13 miles!!! Anyways, I think I will be fine. I did the Army 10 miler a few years back and I wasn't running at ALL/doing pt/drinking water and I made it in a little under 3 hours so I think I can crank this one out and hopefully be around that time. I say hopefully because of course yesterday I pulled a muscle and today left knee is starting to hurt, but I think its because the weather is about to get bad…but still, funny how that works.

So I also noticed that I haven't been taking any photos with me in them. I guess its because I am really feeling like I don't look good right now. I am know I am not bad looking, but I need to get out of my rut! I am going to blame it on the weather. Which is horrible right now..and all the earthquakes we have been getting recently.

So I am just going to end this with some photos from this past month 

So happy this math class is done!!! I hope to never have to do this again!

Yes I have 4 of the same polish colors!!!! Its my FAVORITE color: Valentine by Revlon

Studying for my quiz :)

March Onyx Box

Los Angeles County saving the world, one paper bag at a time! :)