
31 December 2013

Happy Holidays/Weekly Round Up

Hope your holidays were mine because mine sure was! I spent a week up north with family which is why there weren't any updates. I ate sooooo much and gained 5 pounds to prove it! Now that I am getting back to socal, its time to clean up my diet, really get into a workout routine and get my mind right for the upcoming spring semester. I have another PT test in April and I don't want it to be me scrambling at the last minute to make sure I can pass, I want it to be that I know I am going to pass, and I want to do better than I did in December. I also have some financial goals that I want to accomplish. Mainly saving better and to stop spending so much money on stuff I do not need. So that is it for now, here are some pics!!!

My baby is getting sooooo big!!!

20 December 2013

2014 Goals

So this is my ever growing list on some goals that I have for 2014. I like to set realistic goals for myself that will help make my life better overall. What goals do you have for the new year?
  1. Learn to like working out
  2. Go hiking on different trails around Los Angeles instead the same ones I always go to
  3. Take a relaxing trip
  4. Plan a a hiking trip to the Appalachians
  5. Learn how to use my DSLR better
  6. Take more photos
  7. Have a successful spring semester at school
  8. Save money 
  9. Start a side business
  10. Have a more active social life
  11. Read more books
  12. Cook more meals at home
  13. Stop procrastinating on school work!
  14. Have a better idea on what I want to be when I grow up!
  15. Get at least a 275 on a PT test

18 December 2013

Hump Day Wednesday Motivation

Being that we are half way through the week I thought that I would give you a some hump day motivation. These particular quotes I am feeling particularly attached to today, hope they inspire you today.

10 December 2013

All In A Days Work

Took Ruby to Pets Unleashed today so that I could bathe her and cut her hair. I was trying to grow it out because I want to do a continental cut, but I can't stand that scruffy look in the mean time! Guess its the groomer in me! I have been grooming her myself since I got her and she is so well behaved now. She was a nightmare in the beginning though! LOL

For those of you wondering, she is a moyen poodle (aka caniche poodle). She is still considered a standard poodle, she is just on the smaller side which is what I wanted. Overseas, they are very common, but not much so here in the states. She is almost 8 months old and weighs 30 lbs. Hoping that she will get a little bigger though!

08 December 2013

Ways to Save For 2014

I know I have another post on this same topic, but I thought I would do another one for the new year. Living paycheck to paycheck because we spend money on stuff we have nothing to show for is not the business!!! So here are some tips on some easy ways to save money:

1. Eat at home. Seriously, it all adds up. Even though we may be only getting something on the dollar menu, or getting a lunch special, all that adds up. I didn't really see how much I was spending on eating out until I stopped doing it for 2 weeks. Once I saw how much money I was saving, it encouraged me to keep it up and I hardly eat out anymore.

2. This kind of falls under eating at home, but plan your meals and make a grocery list. I say plan your meals because if you already know what your meals are going to be for the week, then when you make your grocery list you only need those items. Before I really got into managing my money better I would make a list, but it was disorganized and random and I spent a lot of money on stuff that wasn't being used right away, defeating the purpose of saving money. So if you are like me and your eyes are bigger than your stomach--plan your meals in advance.

3. Cut down on expenses you do not need. I do not have a house phone (who still has one of those?), nor do I have cable. Had I wrote this post two weeks ago, I would have even said I do not own a TV (just bought my first one ever and I am in love!). Instead of a gym membership I use the gym at my apartment complex and run outside. I do have internet though and even with that I tried to get the best deal possible. The internet is a necessity for me because of school and my sanity! Cant be sitting at home completely bored to death!

4. Write down all your bills and prioritize them. We know we have bills, but it is a lot easier to see the whole picture if it is in black and white.

5. Look for coupons and sales before you shop! Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I always get a good deal. And that is because I refuse to pay more when someone else is selling it for less. My go to app for shopping is called Shopular. If I am going shopping for something in particular (or sometimes I just want to shop! Hey, it happens…) I always check out the sales in the app first before I go driving all over town. Not only does it save me money, but it saves me gas. I have tried other apps before, but this is my holy grail and I recommend it to EVERYONE.

6. Shop online. I know that as humans its in our nature to be impatient, but sometimes waiting really isn't that bad--especially if it is a better deal online. I recently got myself a TV for Christmas (Merry Christmas to me!!!) and I bought it on Amazon. The black friday sales in LA were more or less the same and I the lines to get into Walmart and Target for TV's we just beyond ridiculous so I decided to get it online instead and save myself the headache. Originally I going to get something small, because it is just me and I am not a fancy kind of person, but then I came across a deal I couldn't refuse. I ended up getting a 50-inch SMART TV by Samsung for $599. I'd say that is winning :)

7. Put aside money for a rainy day. It is the most obvious thing, don't think I need to elaborate on that ;)

8. Treat yourself. If you are constantly pinching pennies and saving it could lead to unintended splurging. You should always take care of yourself and do something nice for yourself (within reason) every once in a while. Otherwise, it would be like a diet. You loose all that weight, you look great, but as soon as you stop dieting all that weight comes right back. Saving money, like dieting (or healthy eating I should say), should be a lifestyle choice. Its not something that is temporary and it shouldn't have to suck all time! Treat yourself and enjoy life, but also think about the future. You only live once!

06 December 2013

Its the End of the Semester!!!

And I am so excited/happy!!!! It has been 10 years since I have actually sat in a classroom to learn so it has been quite an adjustment that I am still trying to get used to. Its not like having a job in the sense that you go in to work everyday, but I have to go in, listen, attempt to understand and process the information given, and then be tested on how much I actually retained (and I have to be honest its very little lol). It was definitely an eye opener. I found myself busy to the point that I actually have to write a list of things to do. Priorities. I think the fact that because it really has been so long it was not an easy adjustment for me by any means. On top of that I attempted to work part time to keep me on my toes/meet new people/keep me from spending money. That was a fail. So, I am no longer working and I think it is for the best right now. I was spending way to much time working and not enough on my homework. I got out of active duty to finish school so school needs to be my number one priority right now. Besides, I want to explore more creative options when it comes to work and I do not want to be tied down by a set job. I also want to focus more on my blog which has been severely neglected because of my inability to get it together :/
In addition to the craziness of school I have been traveling quite a bit. The only weekend that I did not go out of town for in November was Thanksgiving weekend. And I have to admit I am sick of traveling right now. I just want to relax and get myself situated before the spring semester starts in January :) I just have one more trip this month for Christmas to Sacramento and then no more for the next couple of months!
This coming week I am going to be looking into and coming up with new ideas and concepts for my blog. I am also itching to get out with my camera to get some interesting shots. I took a black and white film class this semester and it has helped me understand my dslr better and what I need to do to get the perfect shot. There is definitely a lot more to the camera than auto (which is what I always used before!) Even though I hated the class (it was a 5 hour class and she made it long and drawn out and my attention span is not that great), I learned a lot and I plan on using my camera more to really cement that foundation. Plus, I really really really want a higher end camera, but I have to learn how to use this one first before I can justify spending money on another camera!
Alright guys! Until next time.
