
30 October 2014

Thursday Beauty Fix: DIY Coffee Scrub

I don't know about you guys, but I don't like to spend a whole lot on beauty products. Now, I will admit there are some favorites that I like to splurge on every now and then, but nothing beats DIY beauty. When you make it yourself you can add whatever you want to it based on your skin needs and your pockets.

One recipe I want to share with you guys is a facial/body scrub that is super easy and affordable to make at home.

29 October 2014

A Quinceañera and The San Andreas Fault

I recently had the honor of going to a quinceañera and was unlike anything I had ever been to. Pretty cool experience especially since I had never had anything like that growing up, so it was pretty cool to live vicariously through my friends daughter. Who knows? Maybe I will get something like that one day. Obviously its too late for a sweet 15 or sweet 16, but maybe for a cough cough. HA!
A girl can wish right?

I actually had drill that weekend, so as soon as I got released I drove back to the valley to so I could attend. Seems like every time I have drill something fun comes up and most of times I am unable to go, but I was able to make this and I am so happy and thankful that I did.

This is my favorite pic!!!!

08 October 2014


Photo Credit: Death to the Stock Photo
One who has finally learned that it is in the nature of objects to come and go without ceasing, rests in detachment and is no longer subject to suffering.

Over the last few weeks I have been learning to become detached. Detached from things that are toxic to my health and well being, detached from things that aren't making me happy, etc…I have been learning to do those things without feeling like shit for doing it. After all, why should I be sad? Why should I depressed? Why should I feel resentful? Especially when other people are out there living their lives. Why shouldn't I live mine? 

So, that is what I started doing. Even though the relationship has been over for well over a year now, I finally told my ex that I was done a few weeks back. I don't want any calls, texts, NOTHING. I can't move on to greener pastures if I'm still stuck in the mud. He was understandably pissed off, said some things that he thought might hurt me, but it didn't and I stuck to my resolve. And it was one of the best days I had in a really long time. Since then I have been living my life, going out on dates and enjoying hanging out with friends. Things I wasn't doing when I was still attached. I'm wearing makeup, not dressing up like a bum all the time, doing my hair. And its great. Now, I am not going to say every day is a great, but everyday is not miserable and I am making strides to have an even better life. 

I know lately I have been off with the posts and I am not going to give you an excuse for why. Because its just life. I hope you will continue to check out my blog and follow me on my journey :)