
15 March 2014

Finally Its Over--Well Sorta!!!

Well, my statistics class is over (thank GOD!) and my midterms are done and I couldn't be happier! I am now halfway through the semester and I am looking forward to a more relaxing way to end it. Aside from my the math class that just ended, my main classes are not that difficult so I there is no stressing out about that. And one thing I realized is that I should NEVER ever stress about homework and tests because I deployed to Afghanistan and that is stressful. When I put things into perspective like that it is like a weight off my shoulders :)

Anyways, I need/will get back into the swing of things for my blog--its been neglected! The reason why is legit so try not to be too hard on me okay ;)

On another note, I didn't get voluntold to go on this two week mission with my reserve unit so I am pretty happy about that…looks like I will have a spring break after all! (Well sort of--I happen to have drill during that time)

Coming up in the next couple of weeks you can expect to see some reviews on some workout gear that I got and also some recipes to try and also some different hiking points/trails in the Los Angeles area.
I know I am jumping all over the place and its because I haven't updated here in so long :P

So here are some pics that I have taken over the month of February/March!


Ruby and I on our way to Camp Pendleton so I could take a final

Yummy tri-tip salad from Stonefire Grill

Study study study!!!

Army issued towels are way too small!!!

Ruby hates long car rides!

Ruby being patient while I get in some last minute math homework

Ruby staring at herself in the mirror LOL She didn't know it was her haha

Lunch and studying….

and more studying!

Tried African food, it was good, but very expensive!!!

Cheers, everyone!!!!


  1. I love Camp Pendleton! My step-mother is in the Guard and she had taken our family there for 2 weeks staying in one of the beachside cabins at Camp Pendleton. It was a really awesome 2 weeks. Though...I suppose most people don't go to Camp Pentleton for vacation! lol. Great pics!

    1. Yeah Camp Pendleton was actually a very nice base…I actually grabbed a couple of touristy fliers because I was thinking about spending a weekend in Carlsbad which is not too far from base. They have dog friendly beaches there so I could take Ruby too. I need a getaway for when school is done for the semester :) Thanks for the compliment!
