
10 July 2015

New Plants And A Vacation - Finally!

So last week I decided to try the plant thing again. Yes, this is like my second or third (maybe a fourth?) time, but I am trying a new tactic. Succulents. Those are hard to kill right??? So, last week I started off with a mini rose bush and I thought I was doing good until I looked inside and saw all the mold in the dirt. I definitely wasn't over watering it and I hadn't even had it a week. I ended up throwing it out because I don't think can be good and I don't want that stuff floating around the air I breathe.

So I went back to Trader Joe's and I bought two succulents instead. I figured those would be harder to kill, and as of today, I don't see any mold growing. Plus, we're in a severe drought so its easy on the environment. And so far, so good. No wilting and it actually looks like they are growing. I should have taken a before shot!

I have to admit it kind of bothers me that I am excited about my new plants. I feel like this has to be some kind of initiation step before you become a full on cat lady. And I don't even have any cats. But I want one and I have never wanted one before. Ugh….

Sometime this week I will eventually go to Home Depot and see about finding them a bigger pot and another family member so that they can all be together (#futurecatladyintraining). I was supposed to do that a few days ago, but I got a little sidetracked.

And guess what!? I took a leap and I am going on a solo trip to Las Vegas!!! My first solo trip actually. I am pretty excited to go and I don't regret booking the trip one bit. My sister is supposed to meet up with me there, but we shall see. Even if she doesn't go, I plan on enjoying myself. I definitely want to have a spa day, lay out by the pool, check out a walking tour and participate in the happy hour festivities. And the price of the trip was extremely affordable. Now, I just need to work on that Vegas body and pray on that room upgrade when I get there!

I am thinking I need to start doing these solo vacations more often because we only have one life to live and you might as well have fun and create memorable experiences. :) A lot of people I know don't have money to travel and while I do not have an endless supply of it myself, I still want to get out there and explore. And I am more than willing to do what I have to do so I can get there.

Anyways, here are my new plants…I am thinking they need a name? And don't judge me on the last photo. I need to work on the lighting. I would have tried to edit it to help brighten it up, but my computer started acting up and wouldn't let me. Figures.

succulents and cacti
My new babies

succulents and cacti

succulents and cacti

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