I have to admit, this semester almost got me. The last month was so busy I barely had time for myself. But, I won't complain! Its for the future after all. Now, I just have to wait for my final grades and then I can breath. I was really stressing about the finals for my psychology class, because the grade is based on the scores of only 4 tests and those tests to me, weren't easy. Instead of just memorizing information, theses tests were based on conceptual knowledge so it was sort of easy to not do well if you didn't understand the topic fully. I found out I got a 90 on that last test which was great because I was shooting for an 85. And that is not me short changing myself…I was just being realistic based off my scores for the previous exams. And then there was the stress from my geology final. Geology should be easy right? Well it should be if the professor tells you to study the last 4 chapters covered and the study the first 3 tests. I went to take the final after doing that only to find that he used NONE of the questions from the first 3 tests and they were completely different. Almost fell out in the classroom. After a few days of worrying I emailed him and he told me I was 1 point away from a B, but I still got an A in the class which at the end of the day, is the only thing that matters. Talk about relief! Now, once all my grades post I will know its real. 2 more semesters until I graduate!!!!
Anyways, I also won't act like I was only focused on school because that is far from the case. There was definitely some fun in there :) I went out on lots of dates, completed a 10 mile hike, went ice skating and this past weekend I went to an amusement park. I am kind of bad with taking photos, but I promise I am getting better!!! And now, that school is out, I can focus more time on blogging and I have a couple of things that I want to get into.
Photo time!
Santa!!! |
Mandatory fun day with peeps from my unit |
My battle buddies :) |
My battle buddies! We we at another battle buddies wedding! |
Made it to the Bridge of Nowhere! |
You can't see it, but if you were to fall..its a pretty LONG drop! |
Bridge to Nowhere |
The hiking group! |
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