Starting this fall I only have 3 semesters left. Its scary for me actually. I have been spending a lot of time talking to other students/grad students about what I need to do be doing right now so that I will be in a better position next year to apply for grad school. Yes I said it. Grad school. Honestly, 10 years ago I never would have thought I would be here. Never thought I would ever go to college, and then when I did take a couple of classes, never thought I would actually finish, and yet, here I am. Almost finished with my bachelors. I told myself that if I didn't get into grad school the first time (I'm trying to be realistic), then I would apply for a teaching program since I would qualify for one as a veteran. Either way, I will be ok.
As for my fitness challenge for myself (run 50 miles this month)--its going excellent! I only need 10 more miles, which is pretty much 3 runs left. This weekend I am thinking about driving down to Santa Monica and knocking out this 10 mile run. Not so that I will complete the challenge, but more so that I can see how my running has improved and really decide if I want to do another half marathon (ok, who am I kidding? I am going to do another one…eventually). Fitness wise, this summer has been a success for me because I have been very active and I daresay more so than I ever was while active duty in the Army. Kinda weird when I think about it.
I think I can officially say I am settled into my new place. I am so in love with it and I don't plan on moving anytime soon. My old place was stupid hot and miserable, plus traffic was a pain. Where I am now, traffic isn't a real issue and its pretty close to school so I am happy with my decision to move.
The photos below are somewhat random. I went to BeautyCon LA last week and that was an interesting experience. The event was from 10-6, but I really couldn't stay for the whole thing and there were just SO many people there. The lines for the meet and greets were out of this world and this girl just doesn't have the patience. Wish I could have meet Shameless Maya, but maybe next time. I did get to take a photo with ItsMyRayRaye and she is so beautiful in person. For events like that where people go to meet the 'gurus' I would want them to make themselves more available to their audiences. There were only a couple of YouTubers that I saw (who I actually recognized) that actually came out to meet people (and not just sitting at a meet and greet table). I would like to see more of them do that next time around. Overall it was a good experience, and very interesting indeed.