Hey guys!!! I already know I have been seriously lacking in the updates. With the work and school flow I honestly had time for little else. However I recently cut back on my hours at work so I can more get my life together! And the semester is halfway over and I have no midterms at all which is weird to me....Anywho, I recently made a decision to do ROTC. Now, ROTC has to accept me into their program. I need to be working on my fitness because I cannot fail. Gave up way too much and have been through way to much to not reach my full potential. It is really interesting because a lot of people live in the United States, and reap those benefits, but lack those patriotic feelings. They ask me why. Honestly, I want to serve my country, I want to be a positive leader for those still serving. I want to be an example that shows that you don't have to do f*cked up stuff to get ahead. You don't have to screw other people over (especially the ones that don't deserve it) to win. I seen a lot of stuff in my short time in the Army that would put a sour taste in anyones mouth, but I feel like that is an opportunity for change. Its not about the money because I could be overseas getting whats left of that contracting money before it all dries up. Honestly, I just want to be happy so that is why I gotta do what I gotta do!
I realize I am all over the place LOL. Just wanted to give a quickie before I head to bed! More updates/new posts this weekend.